Another ABS series good benefits from eating "good fats" is preventing heart failure, and help to regulate blood pressure. Still skeptical?, If you drink ice cold water your body will burn approximately 60 calories each day in order to raise the temperature of the cold water to your body temperature after one week your will burn more than 400 calories. Water can also help to crank up your metabolism, this could happen because your kidney will perform as it should and flushing toxin out of your body. So, starts from today why don't you drink more water and gradually try to stop drinking other drinks other than water. Perhaps they just don't realize how important water is for our own body, the majority of our body are consist of water, our muscle tissue are also consist 75% water, our blood is about 80% water, both our body fat and our bones consist of 20% water. You still can drink tea though because tea has antioxidant properties, I recommend you don't add any sugar into the tea, you probably will hate how it taste, but because you are trying to lose weight you have to avoid any sugary drinks.

Fruits contains carbs and the carbohydrate from fruits and vegetables are little by little consumed by the body, because of this, you will not get hungry easily. These kind of foods are good because the amount of fat and calories are low.

Off course you cannot drop weight only by consuming water.

Body start to crave food when it is dehydrated because short of water, and by having adequate water this problem will go away. So undeniably water is very important for our body.The crucial role of water in weight loss program is not a secret, but some people are still skeptical about it. To drop weight gradually but surely the key is you have to eat right and drink right, and you will lose pounds naturally.

What cause you to have extra weight is the fats that your body do not require and therefore your body do not process these fats because there is nothing that your body could use. Believe it or not, drinking cold water can make you burn more fat.

Water is not only important for our bodily function, but water is also useful to help you burn more fat. So it's a great idea that you consume food that can give your body with the good fatty acids that can be use by your body, you can get useful fats in salmon, herrings, sardines

    ABS series

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